Wednesday, October 6, 2010


2 Cor. 1:20

For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.

How exciting is that!! ALL His promises are Yes and Amen! There have been times that my kids have asked me for something or to do something for them and being the caring mom I "promised" to do said thing. Then things happen, circumstances change, time constrictions arise and I have accidentally broken my promise. Boy, do they let me hear it too. "You promised!" they'll whine at me. I always feel really bad that I let them down even if it was out of my hands. The beauty of this scripture is our Heavenly Father has already said YES! All His promises are Yes and He can't break a promise! If we want to please and help our own kids how much more does He want to help us. How sad He must feel when we move out of faith while waiting on a promise from Him. He's probably saying something like " don't go darling, I have a wonderful plan for you. I already promised to feed your family, and the job your husband lost, don't worry I have something awesome coming next week. I know you haven't been feeling well, that's why I sent my Son, He took that sickness with Him so go ahead let Him have it and I have worked everything out and you're going to be feeling better soon. Your kids are going to be fine! I remember the day they arrived to you. How wonderful it was! You commited them to Me and I promise I'll take care of them, don't worry. Darling, please don't go, just hang in there, I've already taken care of everything and it's going to be awesome! You really don't want to miss what I am going to do for you!" How wonderful He is!! We have a promise from our Father and He never lies. We just need to find our promise and hold on with everything we have.

If it's a financial need hold on to Phil 4:19. God promises to supply all our needs.

If it's relational problems hold on to Prov 3:5,6. He promises if we trust in Him He will direct our paths.

If it's healing you need hold onto 1 Pet 2:24. He promises we WERE healed.

If it's peace you need, hold onto Phil 4:6,7. He promises a peace that surpasses all understanding.

What ever it is we need He has made a way and there is a promise to back it up. We just need to find our promise and hold on until we see it manifest in our lives. We need to be listening for that still small voice saying " Hold on darling, I promise it's going to be awesome!"