Thursday, January 29, 2009


just to keep everyone up to date ... i had to take my 8 yr old to the drs for her tonsils today. they have suggested surgery as we all knew and we have the date scheduled for feb 20. we are still believing that we are going to see God's hand move in this. we have three weeks to see what wonderful blessing He has for us. i am so thankful that no matter what happens He will protect my sweet little girl and he will give us peace and the strength to do what ever it is we'll need to do. He is truly an awesome God! well enough on that for tonight....i am also excited to report that we recieved another small financial blessing in the mail today..we somehow overpaid on a drs bill and the sent us a check for $30. so i am going to use that blessing to start my new grocery shopping plan. i am going to really start utilizing coupons and our grocery store sales to start stocking up on things we use often. my hope is that in time i will essentially be able to "shop" my pantry instead of scrambling every week to make a trip to wal-mart for groceries. so hopefully this plan will work and now i have a little extra cash to get it started, i am soooo excited. so wish me happy shopping:) on that note my sweet bundles of joy are sleeping soundly, dh is on an erand trip to town and my chair and knitting needles are whispering my name...have a blessed day:)

1 comment:

  1. I was waiting all evening to hear how she made out....I didn't have much of a chance to check your blog before bed...I'm glad that she will be getting this taken care of! I am also thrulled about your new shopping money and plan! Have fun!
